
Transversal group on mechatronic innovation

mecatronYx is a research center dedicated to mechatronics, and more specifically to the dynamic behavior of industrial production machines.

mecatronYx is staffed by professors and engineers with different specialties (eg Materials, Design & Packaging; Industrial automation; Business development).

Including Business development strengthens the department’s multidisciplinary approach by adding consideration of economic factors such as market potential, business model and optimization of the innovation process.

Active since 2013, the department has achieved several technological transfer projects with a budget of over CHF 2mn.

There are three main focuses:

  • analysis of overall dynamic performance
  • optimization of axis movements, and electronic, software and structural parts
  • innovation in line with the market


A number of R&D projects and technological transfers have been achieved since 2013. The number of R&D institutes involved in projects on mecatronYx’s platform has been increasing, demonstrating the transversal nature of the platform. The projects achieved tend to be industrial or internal R&D.

Exemple de projet


Compliances and splines for motion of machines

Les machines de production travaillant à haute cadence génèrent de fortes vibrations pouvant empêcher le respect des précisions exigées. Pour atteindre des vitesses de production élevées tout en garantissant une grande précision, la HEIG-VD, en collaboration avec diverses entreprises a développé une méthode visant à optimiser le comportement vibratoire des machines, en tirant parti, sans coût supplémentaire, des possibilités offertes par le système de commande.