Health Engineering & Economics (HEE)

A transversal group serving healthcare and sport

Health, Engineering & Economics, also known as HE&E, is the transversal group of the HEIG-VD that promotes synergies between the fields of health, engineering, and management for the purposes of research and teaching. Composed of professors and researchers specialized in multiple disciplines, the group has extensive experience in developing innovative solutions adapted to health and sport.

Our vision is to provide and maintain a collaborative platform between partners involved in the search for solutions :

  • focused on patients;
  • technologically innovative and efficient;
  • meeting the constraints of economic efficiency and profitability.

Through the Ingénierie & Santé Platform, a collaboration between HEIG-VD and HESAV (Haute École de Santé Vaud), the skills of the HE&E group are reinforced by those of professors and researchers specializing in the various fields of health.

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